Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

  • Marc Bocquet is a member of the INSU/LEFE MANU scientific committee.

  • Marc Bocquet is a member of the Scientific Council of the CERFACS institute in Toulouse, France.

  • Marc Bocquet is a member of the selection comittee of the Prix André Prud'homme of Météo et Climat (Société Météorologique de France).

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the Scientific Council of CSFRS (High Council for Strategic Education and Research in France).

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the program committee of DIGITEO, french research cluster in science and technology of information.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the Scientific Council of OSU-EFLUVE.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the Evaluation Committee at Inria.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the AERES Evaluation Committee of LISTIC.

Scientific events organisation

general chair, scientific chair
  • Marc Bocquet: Ensemble session, Colloque national sur l'assimilation de données LEFE-MANU, Toulouse, 1-3 December 2014.

member of the organizing committee
  • Vivien Mallet: seminar on “Uncertainty quantification and ensemble-based methods for geosciences”, École normale supérieure, Paris, January 2014.

Scientific events selection

  • Isabelle Herlin: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

  • Isabelle Herlin: International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).


member of the editorial board
  • Marc Bocquet is Associate Editor of the Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

  • Vivien Mallet: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

  • Vivien Mallet: Environmental Modeling & Software.